Monday, March 16, 2009

The Present Day Church Malady


There is a malady; the people who are to experience the presence of the Lord mostly have had no personal encounter with His Spirit, even though they may be born-again. This causes the church service to be the source to provide them the atmosphere to experience Him. So churches increasingly are having more people having no personal walk with Christ makeup the majority of “believers” within it, rendering the church as only a place for coming to experience a touch here and a dab there of God and to be accounted in a social circle of church goers.

In the major cities across India, the churches are getting filled with “church goers” than with “church livers”. With “church livers” I mean those people who are living the Word. This may be little different in the small towns and villages because of the level of persecution that they are undergoing, roots out the “in-genuine” from the genuine.

The Lord is interested in the heart of every believer and at this time the Holy Spirit seems to me to be wooing those who are willing and obedient to His promptings to draw closer and hear the Father’s heart-beat.... Its time ! its time !! its time !!! Its time for the revelation of the Son of man in the clouds and all those who are ready and are accounted worthy, will escape the wrath that’s about to beset the world we live in.

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