Throughout our lives we take many decisions some trivial some ordinary and some very serious and life changing. In my teenage years I had very little understanding of the kingdom of God, life used to happen to me. I did not decide what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go, but just went with the flow. I was basically clueless in regards to the purpose of my life; I drifted along wherever life took me, with no purpose and surely no aim. I hardly can remember any major decision being taken by me in those days.Then at the age of 17 I had an encounter with God. I was filled with the Holy Spirit spoke in other tongues. Life started to change and it dawned on me (ever so slowly) that God had a purpose for my life even if I didn’t have one myself. This is what the Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11 “"I know the plans I have for you," announces the Lord. "I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.” –NIRV. As I dwelled more on the Word of God it became evident to me that God is exponentially more interested in my welfare than I am about myself. Jesus put this in right perspective in Matt 6:33 by saying “But let your first care be for his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these other things will be given to you in addition.” BBE What He meant according to my version is to keep the main thing the main thing. The first and basic decision is to seek His Kingdom and then go on to discover the unique plan that the Lord has for you. This plan will define your life vision and all your daily decisions need to be aligned to this vision. Every life decision that is not in alignment with your God given vision will only distract you and lead you away from your God given destiny. Most daily decisions are trivial, but make a pile of such trivial decisions in the wrong direction and it will surely lead you into frustration and may eventually lead to the death of your vision itself. That is why focus is so very important and many a times the reason why most men fail is due to lack of focus.Beloved, it is vitally important that our daily decisions Protect, Provide and Nurture the God given vision for our lives. Jesus demonstrated this when He was confronted with the need to pay the Roman tax, He simply told Peter to go fishing and that he would find a coin in the mouth of the first fish (Matt. 17:27). Peter did as he was asked and he found the coin in the fish's mouth and used it to pay the tax. Jesus by doing this ensured that not only His but also Peter’s call was protected and provided for. This ensured that they stayed on course of their God given calling.Finally beloved, there is no other standard than the standard of the Word of God for measuring what is right and what is wrong. As children of the kingdom we have the Spirit of God who leads us in this daily walk called life. Therefore it is so important to wait upon Him daily and listen to His promptings for taking each of the crucial decisions in our lives. I want to emphasise that we all need to keep in step with the Spirit because the quality of our relationship with the Holy Spirit will determine the quality of our lives. Just as one decision to receive Christ carries in itself the power to determine your eternal destiny; so also many small decisions to consistently follow the Kingdom of God and not the system of the world will determine whether you experience enslavement or true freedom on a day to day basis.
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